100 Plastic Hunters Initiative

The 100 Plastic Hunters Initiative is a program to establish a comprehensive global network of microplastic monitoring and remediation by deploying 100 of the Plastic Hunter modules at strategic locations. We’re seeking partners and first-movers who would like to sign up as early adopters or sponsors of the Plastic Hunter Modules for our innovative ‘Plastic Hunter’ Monitoring Hub. 

The ‘Plastic Hunter’ Monitoring Hub is the microplastic filtration device our team has innovated. This modular and cost-effective floating wetland unit is designed to efficiently collect and eliminate microplastic debris from waterways, employing a range of proprietary filters. 

Our partners and first-movers can either sponsor a Plastic Hunter for a community group or research institution, or they can pre-order a Plastic Hunter for their own organization or personal use. The Plastic Hunter can be used for  research projects, commercial and industrial monitoring and remediation, and watershed protection projects. 

The question we ask our partners is where they think they can make the most impact. We allow our partners to pick specific locations based on their operations. We are looking for a diverse group of partners, whether they specialize in water, pollution or climate. 

Where and how to use the Plastic Hunter?

The Plastic Hunter can be deployed in rivers, oceans, reservoirs, pools, fisheries, treated water channels or industrial treatment sites. 

The Plastic Hunter should be placed at the mouth of the water bodies and our artificial root filters will trap microplastics from the contaminated water by entangling them within our densely coiled silicone fibers. We call our filter ‘the artificial root’ because they were modeled

on the fibrous structures of aquatic plant roots that effectively ensnare small aquatic sediments.

What is included in a Bundle?

Each bundle includes the pontoon, filters, drop weight attachments, and top attachments, which all make up the Plastic Hunter. 

How does the sponsorship work?

If you are a sponsor: We can set you up with a partnering organization and you can purchase a Plastic Hunter for a community group or research institution.

If you are an end user who would like to work with a sponsor: We can set you up with a sponsor to purchase a Plastic Hunter or your community group or research institution.

Who do we want to partner with?

We are looking to partner with researchers, riverkeepers, marina workers, watershed community groups, wastewater treatment facilities and other industrial facilities. 

If you are looking for making long-term impact, let’s work together We hope to bring in partners around the world to create a global network of microplastic monitoring and remediation We’re particularly interested in areas with critical contamination and/or areas where posts high health risks to the public 

Now is the time to take a stand against microplastics! Pre-order your ‘Plastic Hunter’ Monitoring Hub and join us in creating cleaner waterways for our future.

How to join the initiatives?

Step 1: Fill in the application form (5-10 mins).

Step 2: Our team will contact you within 5 business days to discuss the detailed plans of deployment.

Step 3: Your Plastic Hunter will be on the way!


Send us an email to info@projectplastic.site, we will get back to you!